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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Teaching Operating Systems using Rust

This semester (inspired by the example and compelling rationale of David Evans) I have been teaching Operating Systems using the Rust language. (I have explicitly rejected the possibility of teaching in C.) Rust is a great choice for this course for several reasons:

  • It is sufficiently low-level that one can implement a complete operating system. In particular, it compiles to a binary and does not require a run-time due to its lack of a garbage collector.
  • Concurrency is a major theme in operating systems. In Rust, a program that experiences data races will not compile. This enables the compiler to assist in teaching the students about safe mutable data structures when running concurrent threads.
  • In our curriculum, the programming languages we employ in two or more courses are Python, Java, and Haskell. Something that all three of these languages have in common is a heavy reliance on heap allocation. Most stack-allocated variables in those languages are pointers into the heap. In contrast, Rust explicitly provides for both stack-allocated and heap-allocated data, with arguably a bias towards stack-allocation. 
My overall strategy for the course is twofold:
  • Spend the first half of the semester learning the Rust language and getting familiar with OS concepts. To this end, I'm following the outline from David Evans's class, where the students implement a web server and a Unix shell. To get accustomed to Rust, I began the semester by having students write lots of short command-line programs.
  • Spend the second half of the semester exploring the source code of Redox, an open-source microkernel OS written entirely in Rust. Students will be assigned sections of the source code to present to the class. This will be a way to flesh out the concepts explored in the first half of the course in terms of a concrete implementation.
For a textbook, I am using the freely-available online book Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces by Remzi and Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau. I first learned about the book from (again) David Evans, and I later learned that my friend and colleague Mark Goadrich had taken their OS course while in graduate school. What I like about this book is how it lives up to its name. The "three easy pieces" are virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. It has been a great tool for conceptually organizing my lectures. I constantly make reference to how each topic we explore relates to these three ideas.

I plan to write some additional posts about the course and our experience with Rust as it proceeds.

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