Loading [MathJax]/extensions/Safe.js

Monday, August 11, 2014

Brain-controlled user interfaces

Brain-controlled user interfaces are an important wave of the future.  I think their most essential application is in making it possible for the physically disabled to interact with the world, but by no means do I think we should stop there.

To this end, I'd like to mention the OpenBCI initiative.  They aim to create an open platform for brain-based computing interfaces.  They are using Arduino as the basis for the system.  So for about $500 you can get a brain-reading board.  If this sort of thing is of interest to you I highly recommend checking it out.

Personally, I'd love to try this out as a means of remotely controlling and training a robot.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Webcam with Lego Mindstorms EV3, part 3 (Java Demo)

Having rebuilt the kernel to include the Video4Linux2 drivers, and having written a JNI driver, we are now ready to write a Java program that demonstrates the webcam in action.  We will create two classes to do this.  The first class will represent the YUYV format image that was acquired.  This class is designed to provide a layer of abstraction above the byte array returned by the grabFrame() method in Webcam.java.  It also provides a display() method that will write a value to each corresponding pixel on the LCD display.  Since the LCD is a monochrome display, we select the pixel display value based on whether the image pixel Y value is above or below the mean Y value across the image.

 import java.io.IOException;  
 import lejos.hardware.lcd.LCD;  
 public class YUYVImage {  
     private byte[] pix;  
     private int width, height;  
     YUYVImage(byte[] pix, int width, int height) {  
         this.pix = pix;  
         this.width = width;  
         this.height = height;  
     public static YUYVImage grab() throws IOException {  
         return new YUYVImage(Webcam.grabFrame(), Webcam.getWidth(), Webcam.getHeight());  
     public int getNumPixels() {return pix.length / 2;}  
     public int getWidth() {return width;}  
     public int getHeight() {return height;}  
     public int getY(int x, int y) {
         return getValueAt(2 * (y * width + x));
     public int getU(int x, int y) {
         return getValueAt(getPairBase(x, y) + 1);
     public int getV(int x, int y) {
         return getValueAt(getPairBase(x, y) + 3);
     private int getValueAt(int index) {
         return pix[index] & 0xFF;
     private int getPairBase(int x, int y) {  
         return 2 * (y * width + (x - x % 2));  
     public int getMeanY() {  
         int total = 0;  
         for (int i = 0; i < pix.length; i += 2) {  
             total += pix[i];  
         return total / getNumPixels();  
     public void display() {  
         int mean = getMeanY();  
         for (int i = 0; i < pix.length; i += 2) {  
             int x = (i / 2) % width;  
             int y = (i / 2) / width;  
             LCD.setPixel(x, y, pix[i] > mean ? 1 : 0);  
Having created a representation, we can now create a main loop that sets up the camera, grabs and displays the images, and shuts down the camera when finished.

 import java.io.IOException;  
 import lejos.hardware.Button;  
 import lejos.hardware.lcd.LCD;  
 public class CameraDemo {  
     public static void main(String[] args) {  
         try {  
             while (!Button.ESCAPE.isDown()) {  
                 YUYVImage img = YUYVImage.grab();  
             double fps = Webcam.end();  
             System.out.println(fps + " fps");  
             while (!Button.ESCAPE.isDown());  
         } catch (IOException ioe) {  
             System.out.println("Driver exception: " + ioe.getMessage());  
Once all of this code is entered and compiled, you should be ready to go.  Here's a video I recorded of CameraDemo in action.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Webcam with Lego Mindstorms EV3, part 2 (Java Native Interface)

If you have succeeded in rebuilding the kernel to include the Video4Linux2 drivers, the next step is to make the webcam available from Java.  The easiest way to do this is to use Java Native Interface (JNI) to write a driver in C that interfaces with Java.  It is again essential to develop on a Linux PC to get this working.

All code included in this blog post is public domain, and may be freely reused without any restrictions.  I want to emphasize that the code I am sharing here is more of a proof-of-concept than a rigorously built library.  My intention is for this to be a starting point for anyone interested to create a library.  (I might do so myself eventually.)

To start writing a JNI program, one must create a Java class with stubs to be written in C.  The following Java program contains the stubs I used:

 public class Webcam {  
     // Causes the native library to be loaded from the system.       
     static {System.loadLibrary("webcam");}  
     // Three primary methods for use by clients:  
     // Call start() before doing anything else.  
     public static void start(int w, int h) throws java.io.IOException {  
         width = w;  
         height = h;  
         start = System.currentTimeMillis();  
         frames = 0;  
     // Call grabFrame() every time you want to see a new image.  
     // For best results, call it frequently!  
     public static byte[] grabFrame() throws java.io.IOException {  
         byte[] result = makeBuffer();  
         frames += 1;  
         return result;  
     // Call end() when you are done grabbing frames.  
     public static double end() throws java.io.IOException {  
         duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;  
         return 1000.0 * frames / duration;  
     // Three native method stubs, all private:  
     // Called by start() before any frames are grabbed.  
     private static native void setup() throws java.io.IOException;  
     // Called by grabFrame(), which creates a new buffer each time.  
     private static native void grab(byte[] img) throws java.io.IOException;  
     // Called by end() to clean things up.  
     private static native void dispose() throws java.io.IOException;  
     // Specified by the user, and retained for later reference.  
     private static int width, height;  
     // Record-keeping data to enable calculation of frame rates.  
     private static int frames;  
     private static long start, duration;  

     // Utility methods  
     public static int getBufferSize() {return width * height * 2;}  
     public static byte[] makeBuffer() {return new byte[getBufferSize()];}  
     public static void start() throws java.io.IOException {  
         start(160, 120);  
     public static int getWidth() {return width;}  
     public static int getHeight() {return height;}  

Once the class has been created and compiled, we use javah to generate a C header file, which will be included by the C program we will write. From the above file, the following function prototypes are generated for the C program:

 #include <jni.h>  
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Webcam_setup  
  (JNIEnv *, jclass);  
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Webcam_grab  
  (JNIEnv *, jclass, jbyteArray);  
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Webcam_dispose  
  (JNIEnv *, jclass);  
In each prototype, the JNIEnv* parameter represents the Java environment that the C code can access, and the jclass parameter denotes the class of which the static method is a member.  The implementations of these functions I will defer to the end of this post.  Following JNI conventions, the implementations are in a file named WebcamImp.c.

To compile the JNI C code, we need to use our cross-compiler to generate a shared library.  Once this is done, we need to copy the shared library onto the EV3, specifically, into a directory where it will actually be found at runtime.  The following commands were sufficient for achieving this:

 sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev
   -shared -o libwebcam.so WebcamImp.c -fpic 
   -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/include -std=c99 -Wall  
 scp libwebcam.so root@  

At this point, it is convenient to have an easy test to make sure the system works. To that end, add the following main() method to Webcam.java.  You should be able to run it just like any other LeJOS EV3 program.  It will print a period for every frame it successfully grabs. Of course, make sure your webcam is plugged in before you try this!

 // At the top of the file  
 import lejos.hardware.Button;  
 // Add to the Webcam.java class  
     public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException {  
         int goal = 25;  
         for (int i = 0; i < goal; ++i) {  
         double fps = end();  
         System.out.println(fps + " frames/s");  
         while (!Button.ESCAPE.isDown());  

Finally, we are ready to examine the JNI C code.  To create this implementation, I adapted the Video4Linux2 example driver found at http://linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis/capture-example.html.  Here is an overview of my modifications to the driver:

  • I reorganized the code to match the Webcam.java specification:
    • Java_Webcam_setup() calls open_device(), init_device(), and start_capturing().
    • The interior loop in mainloop() became the basis for the implementation of Java_Webcam_grab().
    • Java_Webcam_dispose() calls stop_capturing(), uninit_device(), and close_device().
    • The Webcam.java main() largely takes over the responsibilities of main() in the driver.
  • I converted all error messages to throws of java.io.IOException.
    • I added a global 200-char buffer to store the exception messages.
  • I only used the code for memory-mapped buffers.  This worked fine for my camera; there might exist cameras that do not support this option.
  • I forced the image format to YUYV.  For image processing purposes, having intensity information is valuable, and using this format provides it with a minimum of hassle.
  • I allow the user to suggest the image dimensions, but I also send back the actual width/height values the driver and camera agreed upon.
  • The first frame grab after starting the EV3 consistently times out when calling select(), but all subsequent grabs work fine.  I added a timeout counter to the frame grabbing routine to avoid spurious exceptions while still checking for timeouts.
  • It may not be beautiful, but in my experience it works reliably.
Without further ado, then, here is the code:

 #include "Webcam.h"  
 #include <stdio.h>  
 #include <stdlib.h>  
 #include <string.h>  
 #include <assert.h>  
 #include <getopt.h>       /* getopt_long() */  
 #include <fcntl.h>       /* low-level i/o */  
 #include <unistd.h>  
 #include <errno.h>  
 #include <sys/stat.h>  
 #include <sys/types.h>  
 #include <sys/time.h>  
 #include <sys/mman.h>  
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>  
 #include <linux/videodev2.h>  
 #define REPORT_TIMEOUT 1  
 #define DEVICE "/dev/video0"  
 #define MAX_TIMEOUTS 2  
 #define CLEAR(x) memset(&(x), 0, sizeof(x))  
 struct buffer {  
     void  *start;  
     size_t length;  
 static int       fd = -1;  
 struct buffer     *buffers;  
 static unsigned int   n_buffers;  
 static char       exceptionBuffer[EXCEPTION_BUFFER_SIZE];  
 // Place error message in exceptionBuffer  
 jint error_exit(JNIEnv *env) {  
  fprintf(stderr, "Throwing exception:\n");  
  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", exceptionBuffer);  
  return (*env)->ThrowNew(env, (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/io/IOException"), 
 jint errno_exit(JNIEnv *env, const char *s) {  
  sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "%s error %d, %s", s, errno, strerror(errno));  
  return error_exit(env);  
 static int xioctl(int fh, int request, void *arg) {  
  int r;  
  do {  
   r = ioctl(fh, request, arg);  
  } while (-1 == r && EINTR == errno);  
  return r;  
 jboolean open_device(JNIEnv *env) {  
  struct stat st;  
  if (-1 == stat(DEVICE, &st)) {  
   sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "Cannot identify '%s': %d, %s\n", DEVICE, errno, 
   return error_exit(env);  
  if (!S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)) {  
   sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "%s is no device\n", DEVICE);  
   return error_exit(env);  
  fd = open(DEVICE, O_RDWR /* required */ | O_NONBLOCK, 0);  
  if (-1 == fd) {  
   sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "Cannot open '%s': %d, %s\n", DEVICE, errno, 
   return error_exit(env);  
  return -1;  
 jboolean init_device(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls) {  
  struct v4l2_capability cap;  
  struct v4l2_cropcap cropcap;  
  struct v4l2_crop crop;  
  struct v4l2_format fmt;  
  struct v4l2_requestbuffers req;  
  unsigned int min;  
  if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap)) {  
   if (EINVAL == errno) {  
    sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "%s is no V4L2 device\n", DEVICE);  
    return error_exit(env);  
   } else {  
    return errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_QUERYCAP");  
  if (!(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE)) {  
   sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "%s is no video capture device\n", DEVICE);  
   return error_exit(env);  
  if (!(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_STREAMING)) {  
   sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "%s does not support streaming i/o\n", DEVICE);  
   return error_exit(env);  
  /* Select video input, video standard and tune here. */  
  cropcap.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;  
  if (0 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_CROPCAP, &cropcap)) {  
   crop.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;  
   crop.c = cropcap.defrect; /* reset to default */  
   if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_CROP, &crop)) {  
    switch (errno) {  
    case EINVAL:  
     /* Cropping not supported. */  
     /* Errors ignored. */  
  } else {  
   /* Errors ignored. */  
  jfieldID width_id = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, cls, "width", "I");  
  jfieldID height_id = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, cls, "height", "I");  
  if (NULL == width_id || NULL == height_id) {  
   sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "width or height not present in Webcam.java");   
   return error_exit(env);  
  fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;  
  fmt.fmt.pix.width    = (*env)->GetStaticIntField(env, cls, width_id);  
  fmt.fmt.pix.height   = (*env)->GetStaticIntField(env, cls, height_id);  
  fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat = FORMAT;  
  fmt.fmt.pix.field    = V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED;  
  if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt)) {  
   return errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_S_FMT");  
  (*env)->SetStaticIntField(env, cls, width_id, fmt.fmt.pix.width);  
  (*env)->SetStaticIntField(env, cls, height_id, fmt.fmt.pix.height);  
  /* Buggy driver paranoia. */  
  min = fmt.fmt.pix.width * 2;  
  if (fmt.fmt.pix.bytesperline < min)  
   fmt.fmt.pix.bytesperline = min;  
  min = fmt.fmt.pix.bytesperline * fmt.fmt.pix.height;  
  if (fmt.fmt.pix.sizeimage < min)  
   fmt.fmt.pix.sizeimage = min;  
  req.count = 4;  
  req.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;  
  req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;  
  if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &req)) {  
   if (EINVAL == errno) {  
    sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "%s does not support memory mapping\n", DEVICE);  
    return error_exit(env);  
   } else {  
    return errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_REQBUFS");  
  if (req.count < 2) {  
   sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "Insufficient buffer memory on %s\n", DEVICE);  
   return error_exit(env);  
  buffers = calloc(req.count, sizeof(*buffers));  
  if (!buffers) {  
   sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "Out of memory\n");  
   return error_exit(env);  
  for (n_buffers = 0; n_buffers < req.count; ++n_buffers) {  
   struct v4l2_buffer buf;  
   buf.type    = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;  
   buf.memory   = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;  
   buf.index    = n_buffers;  
   if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buf))  
    return errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_QUERYBUF");  
   buffers[n_buffers].length = buf.length;  
   buffers[n_buffers].start =  
    mmap(NULL /* start anywhere */,  
       PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE /* required */,  
       MAP_SHARED /* recommended */,  
       fd, buf.m.offset);  
   if (MAP_FAILED == buffers[n_buffers].start) {  
    return errno_exit(env, "mmap");  
  return -1;  
 jboolean start_capturing(JNIEnv *env) {  
  unsigned int i;  
  enum v4l2_buf_type type;  
  for (i = 0; i < n_buffers; ++i) {  
   struct v4l2_buffer buf;  
   buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;  
   buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;  
   buf.index = i;  
   if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf)) {  
    return errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_QBUF");  
  if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &type)) {  
   return errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_STREAMON");  
  return -1;  
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Webcam_setup(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) {  
  if (open_device(env)) {  
   if (init_device(env, cls)) {  
 void process_image(const void *p, int size, JNIEnv * env, 
                    jbyteArray img) {  
  (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, img, 0, size, (jbyte*)p);  
 jboolean read_frame(JNIEnv* env, jbyteArray img) {  
  struct v4l2_buffer buf;  
  buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;  
  buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;  
  if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buf)) {  
   switch (errno) {  
   case EAGAIN:  
    return 0;  
   case EIO:  
    /* Could ignore EIO, see spec. */  
    /* fall through */  
    return errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_DQBUF");  
  assert(buf.index < n_buffers);  
  process_image(buffers[buf.index].start, buf.bytesused, env, img);  
  if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf)) {  
   return errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_QBUF");  
  return -1;  
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Webcam_grab(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls, 
                                         jbyteArray img) {  
  int timeouts = 0;  
  for (;;) {  
   fd_set fds;  
   struct timeval tv;  
   int r;  
   FD_SET(fd, &fds);  
   /* Timeout. */  
   tv.tv_sec = 2;  
   tv.tv_usec = 0;  
   r = select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv);  
   if (-1 == r) {  
    if (EINTR != errno)  
    else {  
     errno_exit(env, "select");  
   if (0 == r) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "timeout %d (out of %d)\nTrying again", timeouts, 
    if (timeouts > MAX_TIMEOUTS) {  
     sprintf(exceptionBuffer, "select timeout\n");  
   if (read_frame(env, img))  
   /* EAGAIN - continue select loop. */  
 void stop_capturing(JNIEnv *env) {  
  enum v4l2_buf_type type;  
  if (-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type))  
   errno_exit(env, "VIDIOC_STREAMOFF");  
 void uninit_device(JNIEnv *env) {  
  unsigned int i;  
  for (i = 0; i < n_buffers; ++i)  
   if (-1 == munmap(buffers[i].start, buffers[i].length))  
    errno_exit(env, "munmap");  
 void close_device(JNIEnv *env) {  
  if (-1 == close(fd))  
   errno_exit(env, "close");  
  fd = -1;  
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Webcam_dispose(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) {  

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Webcam with Lego Mindstorms EV3, part 1 (kernel)


The EV3 implementation of LeJOS now incorporates these changes.  I highly recommend that you use LeJOS for your EV3 programming if you're a Java programmer interested in using a webcam.  I have another post giving an example of using the webcam with LeJOS.  If you're interested in using another system, this post may still be relevant for your purposes.


Using a webcam with the Lego Mindstorms EV3 requires recompiling the kernel to include the device driver.  This requires acquiring the following hardware and software:
  • An appropriate webcam
  • A cross-compiler
    • As far as I know, this will only work properly on a PC running Linux.
  • EV3 kernel sources
I recommend using a UVC-compatible webcam, as all of them share the same kernel driver; a GSPCA-compatible webcam might also work, but you have to make sure its driver is included in the kernel.  I personally have been using the Logitech C270.  As the EV3 has a USB 1.1 port, make sure any webcam you employ is USB 1.1 compatible as well.  A USB 2.0-only webcam probably won't work.

I read somewhere that the case-insensitive file systems of both Windows and Mac machines can cause problems for cross-compiling the kernel, so I used a Linux machine.  If you do not have one available, you can probably set up a Linux partition of your Windows or Mac machine.

We need to use a very specific cross-compiler.  Go to http://go.mentor.com/2ig4q and download Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q1-203.  I set mine up in a subdirectory off of my home directory (~/CodeSourcery), which I believe is what the build scripts will be expecting.

You'll need to install a couple of modules on your Linux machine for the cross-compilation to work:

Kernel Sources
I am using the LeJOS EV3 version of the kernel.  They modified it significantly.  One really cool modification is that the EV3 is network-visible (IP address when plugged into your computer.  You can open a shell, copy files, etc.  Before trying to recompile and set up the kernel, it is important to download and set up the basic EV3 LeJOS system on a MicroSD card.  We'll be copying the modified kernel over the distributed kernel, but everything else will remain the same.

To get a copy of the kernel sources from github, run the following line in your shell in the directory you'd like to put it.  Then run the next line to get to the pertinent subdirectory:

The build_kernel.sh script is what compiles the kernel.  The uImage file that it generates is the kernel image employed when booting.  I would encourage you to run build_kernel.sh before going any further, to make sure everything you need is in place.

The first time I tried it, I got the following cryptic error message:

I resolved the error as follows:

Once you are able to rebuild the kernel, you are ready to activate the device drivers.  To do this, you will need to edit LEGOBoard.config.  For each option, you can specify "=n" to omit it, "=y" to compile it into the kernel, or "=m" to tell the kernel to look for it as an external module as needed.  For all options to include, be sure to use "=y"; using "=m" requires compiling the modules separately, a needless hassle in this context.

Here is a comprehensive list of changes I made to LEGOBoard.config.

This first set of flags is sufficient to get it working with a UVC webcam such as my Logitech C270 (see http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/ for a list):

Once I had the above settings working with my webcam, I recompiled it again with the following additional settings that, I am guessing, should suffice for most webcams out there:

Finally, in order to avoid tediously answering "no" when recompiling, I added the following as well. Many of these were deprecated drivers; others had nothing to do with webcams as far as I could tell:

Having recompiled the kernel with these options, all that remains is to copy over the uImage file on the SD card with the uImage that you have just recompiled. To test whether it works, open a shell on the EV3 and see if /dev/video0 appears when you plug in the webcam. If it does, you have succeeded!

Lego Mindstorms, Past and Future

I've been a longtime user of the Lego Mindstorms robots.  I have used them primarily for teaching the Hendrix College course Robotics Explorations Studio.  I also have used them in some of my published work.  I employed the original Mindstorms RCX for several years.  In spite of its limitations (32K RAM, 3-character output screen, limited sensors), it was great fun to use.  It was powerful enough to run LeJOS, a port of the Java virtual machine.  In general, Lego has done a great job of making the software and hardware of the Mindstorms robots sufficiently open to enable developers to create their own operating systems to meet their needs, and the LeJOS series has been a great example of this.

Starting in 2008, we transitioned to Lego Mindstorms NXT.  I created a lab manual for the course employing the NXT and the pblua language.  It was, overall, a dramatic improvement to the product that opened up many new possibilities.  Significant improvements incorporated into the NXT included:
  • A fourth sensor port.
  • Rotation sensors incorporated into the motors.
  • A distance sensor (ultrasonic).
    • Many new third-party sensors (e.g. compass, gyroscope)
  • 64K RAM.
  • A rechargeable battery.  
  • A 100x60 pixel LCD output.
  • A USB connection for uploading programs.
  • A 32 bit ARM7 CPU.
The most recent incarnation is Lego Mindstorms EV3.  Superficially, it might not appear to be as large an improvement as the RCX to NXT transition.  The LCD screen is slightly larger (178x128 pixels), the kit includes some new types of sensors and motors, and it has a fourth motor port (to match the four sensor ports).  

But under the surface, the changes are again revolutionary:  
  • 64 megabytes of RAM (i.e., three orders of magnitude more!)
  • The ARM9 CPU is six times faster (300 MHz).
  • Its operating system kernel is a version of Linux.
  • It has a micro-SD slot (allowing for up to 32 gigabytes of persistent storage).
  • It has a USB port.
I have always been interested in using image processing as a robotic sensor.  Up until now, I have been placing a netbook atop a specially-designed NXT model, and using the netbook's webcam.  But the USB port means that a webcam can now be plugged directly into a Mindstorms robot, with image processing taking place as part of the EV3 program.   

As it happens, it is easier to observe that this is a possibility than to implement it.  

Due to my familiarity with Java, and the maturity of the LeJOS project, I've decided to try to make this work using the EV3 version of LeJOS.  This requires the following steps:
In writing the above posts, I learned that the Blogger interface provides no obvious means for formatting source code.  A very convenient page that generates the formatted code is http://codeformatter.blogspot.com/.

I've put together a short demo that you can watch of the EV3 LCD screen showing video in real-time.